Objectives & Legacy
To provide a platform where young talented Southern African Musicians can promoted and exposed.
To provide a safe, sound and competitive platform for such young talented musicians to showcase their talent and unlock potential.
To provide business and networking opportunities for upcoming in the diaspora.
To achieve our objectives we work with established artists to attract more patrons attending our events to provide a worthwhile opportunity for young and talented artists.
Provision of scholarships to young and talented artists in Zimbabwe. Nyasha Mano aka “Ras Pompy” and Jonnel Munashe Tanjani aka “Spiderman” in 2014 and 2015. Both have now successfully finished their GCSEs at the upmarket high school “Borrowdale Brook Academy” having been there from form 1 to form 4. We continue to support talented youth with their music, arts, sports careers etc
Donation of books and sporting equipment to schools eg. Mutoko High School and Rakodzi High school in Marondera. Very soon we will be extending our donations to rural primary schools such as St Nicholas, St Davids, Samuriwo, Chivizhe, Materera etc in Chihota / Marondera Province. In this case every little helps and we welcome donations in sports (uniforms, boots, balls etc) and other school needs such as books, pencils, ball pens, computers / laptops etc). Just contact us by filling a form on this website.
We have already started working with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority on major regional projects that will help market the Zimbabwe brand.